Tuesday 19 July 2016

Cardio Combat - Kickboxing Inspired Fitness

Cardio Combat - New Kickboxing Inspired Fitness

Cardio Combat is the ultimate martial arts inspired workout. If you want great results you have to work hard for them and we are here every step of the way to motivate & guide you towards all your fitness goals.

All of our dynamic exercise drills are performed either shadow boxing style or on strike pads, there is no sparring at all in this class, ensuring safety is at a maximum and you can concentrate on pushing past your fitness limits.

This fantastic fitness program is suitable for all skill levels and abilities, everyone works to their own pace so you are always excelling & improving without feeling left behind.

If you want to make a positive lifestyle change then come along to our next Cardio Combat class for you free trial!

Cardio Combat Class times:

Tuesday: 6pm - 7pm
Saturday: 10am - 11am

Shottstown Miners Club, 165 John Street, Penicuik.

Instagram: @KodiakKickboxing
Twitter: @KodiakKick