Wednesday 21 September 2016

Monthly Memberships

From Saturday 1st of October, we will be introducing a Monthly Membership. This should make things more convenient for everyone and cut down admin time before class, meaning you get to enjoy even more martial arts action!

Monthly prices are as follows:

Kickboxing only: £25 pcm

Cardio Combat Monthly Block: £25 pcm

Kickboxing & Cardio Combat: £30 pcm

All new members will still receive a free trial class

Please note, we will no longer be providing Pay As You Train Classes after October 1st. Monthly fees should be paid within the first week of the month. Monthly fees are applicable if you trained at any date within the calendar month.

Thanks for being part of this awesome club, if you have any questions feel free to message me or ask at the next class.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Kodiak Fight Team

Do you want to win trophies? Want to push yourself to the limit? Excel in an exciting combat sport?

Kodiak Kickboxing is looking for aspiring athletes to join our Kodiak Fight Team!

You don't need to have any experience or a minimum fitness level to join. You just have show dedication and a willingness to improve, we'll take care of the rest.

Our aim is to create a top class kickboxing team to take to local tournaments, participate in fight night all over the country and eventually compete at national & international tournaments.

Sparring sessions take place on Saturday Mornings, 11am – 12pm at Shottstown Miners Club, Penicuik.

Let's smash it!


Sessions will be taken by Senior Coach John Young.
John is a multiple time Scottish Champion, International Open Winner and World Semi Finalist. John has over 12 years of coaching experience and has coached many Scottish Champions, British University Champions and International level fighters.

Equipment Required

Boxing Gloves
Shin Pads
Foot Pads

Groin Guards and Chest Protectors are advised for training and mandatory for competition.

A limited number of spare Headguards, Gloves & Foot Pads are available for use, but it is advisable to have your own.

We look forward to welcoming you to the team!

If you have any questions then feel free to message us on Facebook or e-mail

Grading Syllabus

Red Belt
Jab, Cross, Turning Kick
Focus Pad Drill 1

Partner Drill 1

Yellow Belt
Hook, Front Kick
Focus Pad Drill 2
Partner Drill 2

Orange Belt
Double Jab, Side Kick
Focus Pad Drill 3
Partner Drill 3

Green Belt
Uppercut, Axe Kick, Back Kick, Blocking & Covering
Focus Pad Drill 4
Partner Drill 4

Blue Belt
Body Punches, Hook Kick, Jumping Front Kick, Rolling
Focus Pad Drill 5
Freestyle Pad Combination part 1
Partner Drill 5

Purple Belt
Overhand Cross, Spinning Heel Kick, Jumping Turning Kick, Slipping
Focus Pad Drill 6
Freestyle Pad Combination parts 1 & 2
Partner Drill 6

Brown Belt
Superman Punch,Outside Sweep, Outside Leg Kick, 
Jumping Back Kick, Slip & Pivot
Focus Pad Drill 7 & 8
Freestyle Pad Combination parts 1, 2 & 3
Partner Drill 7 & 8

1st Dan Black Belt
Spinning Backfist, Inside Sweep, Inside Leg Kick,
 Spinning Hook Kick, Stamp Kick, Tornado Kick, Knee Strikes, Clinchwork
Focus Pad Drill 9 & 10
Freestyle Pad Combination parts 1,2,3 & 4
Partner Drill 9 & 10

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Cardio Combat - Kickboxing Inspired Fitness

Cardio Combat - New Kickboxing Inspired Fitness

Cardio Combat is the ultimate martial arts inspired workout. If you want great results you have to work hard for them and we are here every step of the way to motivate & guide you towards all your fitness goals.

All of our dynamic exercise drills are performed either shadow boxing style or on strike pads, there is no sparring at all in this class, ensuring safety is at a maximum and you can concentrate on pushing past your fitness limits.

This fantastic fitness program is suitable for all skill levels and abilities, everyone works to their own pace so you are always excelling & improving without feeling left behind.

If you want to make a positive lifestyle change then come along to our next Cardio Combat class for you free trial!

Cardio Combat Class times:

Tuesday: 6pm - 7pm
Saturday: 10am - 11am

Shottstown Miners Club, 165 John Street, Penicuik.
Instagram: @KodiakKickboxing
Twitter: @KodiakKick

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Five Reasons Your Child Should Start Kickboxing

At Kodiak Kickboxing, we provide active and exciting Kickboxing classes in Penicuik for children aged 5 – 13. Our aim is to provide kids with a fun, safe sporting activity that will teach them skills that will help them throughout their lives!

Here are five great reasons your child should join our classes:

Promoting an active lifestyle: We understand the importance of keeping kids active and healthy. We aim to show kids that exercise is both fun and beneficial and to help them understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Teamwork: Teamwork is an integral part of any sport. We encourage everyone in our classes to work together which helps to push everyone forward and making sure no-one feels left behind.

Discipline: All of our classes are structured to keep children focussed and engaged with each activity they are undertaking. We offer incentives for good behaviour and provide a sense of accomplishment for achieving every goal.

Anti-Bullying:   Within our classes we strongly emphasise that bullying behaviour is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. We teach kids how to deal with bullying through the proper channels and are here to offer advice or just a listening ear.
We also provide regular kids courses for Anti-Bullying, Stranger Danger and Self Defence which are open to everyone, so like us on Facebook to keep an eye out for these!

It’s Fun: The most important reason of all! Everyone works harder and learns more when they are having fun. Our main aim for every class is to make sure everyone leaves with a smile on their face and can’t wait until their next session!

Monday 29 June 2015

Awesome Kickboxing in Penicuik, Midlothian

Kodiak Kickboxing – Martial Arts in Penicuik

Kodiak Kickboxing is Midlothian’s most exciting, up and coming Martial Arts club!
Try out your first class for FREE!

*Kodiak Timetable*

Shottstown Miners, 165 John Street, Penicuik


Kids: 6pm – 7pm       (ages 5 – 13)
Adults: 7pm – 8pm      (age 14+)

Kids: 10am – 11am
Adults: 11am – 12pm

First Class Is Free!
Kids: £3 per class
Adults: £4 per class

If you want to learn new skills, earn your black belt, win trophies or just get fit and have fun, then our classes are perfect for you!

For more info you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.